Wednesday, November 19, 2008

malignant peritoneal mesothelioma reveiw

Same as other forms of cancer mesothelioma attacks the cells but the difference is that it attacks the lining of internal organs such as the lungs inside of the ribs pleura or around the abdominal organs also known as the peritoneum.

The culprit behind mesothelioma is said to be Asbestos. back in the 1960's evidence Started to
surface linking mesothelioma to Asbestos exposure. Its estimated that over 80% of all the people that have contracted or have died from mesothelioma have been factory or industrial workers.

Asbestos is largely the cause of both the two types of mesothelioma,
  1. pleural mesotrhelioma
  2. peridtoneum mesothelioma.

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common one and it affects the lungs even more for more information follow the link below. to learn more about plueural mesothelioma.

How about malignant peritoneum mesothelioma.
This is a rare type of mesothelioma is extreemely rare. 50 cases out of 200 cases are diagnosed in the U.S annualy.

Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the abdominal linning(peritoneum) that is why it ssometimes refered to as abdominal mesothelioma. You might ask how does mesothelioma end up in the abdominal regions. There are tow explanations to this.
First is thrpugh the Asbestos firbres that get lodged on the mucus membrane in the trachea or the bronchi and then end up being swallowed ending up in the intestinal tract and from there into the intestinal walls. The other way is through the lungs via the lyphatic system to the preitoneal regions.

Mesotrhelioma is a dangerous disease and that's why its with regulations that people should keep off from Asbestos. Its also important that you get informed about the dangers of Asbestos. Many Asbestos manufucturers know of the dangers of Asbestos but little or no precautions are taken into ensuring the safety of the workers from the hamful Asbestos fibers.

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