Monday, November 17, 2008

asbestos related lung cancer reveiw.

Back in 1960 some evedince began to emerge linking Asbestos to a number of serious diseases One of these diseases is Mesothelioma and is perhaps the most dangerous. This is such an unforgiving disease, it affect the linnings o the internal organs such as heart, lungs and stomach. Its quite rare and thats why ist dangerous. Individuals with mesothelioma have very poor progrnosis most people diet within a year of diagnosis.

Not all Asbestos related lung cancer is a mesothelioma
There is the most common lung cancer bronchial carcinoma which can be caused by ether smiking or Asbestos, other thoracic carcinomas(lung cancer), such as adenocarcinoma, are also caused by exposure to asbestos.
But all in all Mesothelioma is the most lethal, and many poeople who contract mesothelioma more often than not happen to be contruction workers, factory workers and industry workers who happen to work close to Asbestos materials without any pretective clothing.
Mesothelioma symptoms are very hard to diagnose because of the similarity of symptoms to many other diseases eg Asthma.
The most common form of mesothelioma i pleural mesothelioma, it affects the linning of the lungs and symptoms exhibited include. chest pain, coughing, breathing and swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath, wheezing and weight loss.
Such symptoms apply to many other diseases but if you happen to hav such symptoms consult a doctor immediately.

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