Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mesothelioma cancer diagnosis and stages.

Early signs that might aid in diagnosing mesothelioma.
Recognizing early symptoms of malignant mesothelioma may aid in diagnosis.
Symptoms include:
Breathing difficulties(dyspnea).
Chest pains.
fever, nausea or anemia

Other symptoms include hoarseness, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), or coughing up blood (hemoptysis).
People sufering from pleural mesothelioma might experience pain in the chest or lower back while for those with peritoneal mesothelioma may experience an expanding waist size or abdominal pain resulting from the growth of cancer cells in the abdomen.
Since many of these sypotoms are similar to other less serious diseases it can be difficult to recognize asbestos-related diseases in the early stages. And sue to the difficulty of early asbestsos diagnosis. The best way to be sure about your health is by consulting doctor for initial examination, which includes a pulmonary function test (PFT) and x-rays.

Stages of mesothelioma include:

The staging commonly used for mesothelioma is the Brigham staging system, and it can be described as follows:

Stage 1 occurs when the tumor lies completely within the capsule of the without swollen lymph nodes (adenopathy).Pleura

Stage 2 has the characteristics of Stage 1, except that the tumor has spread and there is presence of adenopathy. The boundaries of the tumor still allow for a resection (removal of the tumor) without cutting into other organs.

Stage 3 includes extension of the disease into the chest wall or into the heart, through the diaphragm or peritoneum, or outside the pleura to involve the lymph nodes.

Stage 4 occurs when the cancer has formed in distant organs through metastases.

Unfortunately, none of the treatment strategies have been shown to be particularly effective against the disease.

malignant peritoneal mesothelioma reveiw

Same as other forms of cancer mesothelioma attacks the cells but the difference is that it attacks the lining of internal organs such as the lungs inside of the ribs pleura or around the abdominal organs also known as the peritoneum.

The culprit behind mesothelioma is said to be Asbestos. back in the 1960's evidence Started to
surface linking mesothelioma to Asbestos exposure. Its estimated that over 80% of all the people that have contracted or have died from mesothelioma have been factory or industrial workers.

Asbestos is largely the cause of both the two types of mesothelioma,
  1. pleural mesotrhelioma
  2. peridtoneum mesothelioma.

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common one and it affects the lungs even more for more information follow the link below. to learn more about plueural mesothelioma.

How about malignant peritoneum mesothelioma.
This is a rare type of mesothelioma is extreemely rare. 50 cases out of 200 cases are diagnosed in the U.S annualy.

Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the abdominal linning(peritoneum) that is why it ssometimes refered to as abdominal mesothelioma. You might ask how does mesothelioma end up in the abdominal regions. There are tow explanations to this.
First is thrpugh the Asbestos firbres that get lodged on the mucus membrane in the trachea or the bronchi and then end up being swallowed ending up in the intestinal tract and from there into the intestinal walls. The other way is through the lungs via the lyphatic system to the preitoneal regions.

Mesotrhelioma is a dangerous disease and that's why its with regulations that people should keep off from Asbestos. Its also important that you get informed about the dangers of Asbestos. Many Asbestos manufucturers know of the dangers of Asbestos but little or no precautions are taken into ensuring the safety of the workers from the hamful Asbestos fibers.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mesothelioma treatment reveiwed.

Exposure to asbestos to some dangerous levels can be very harmful to your health. Its been linked to very dangerous diseases,
Diseases caused by Asbestos exposure include.
1. Mesothelioma.
2. Asbestosis.
3. Adenocarcinoma.

Of all these diseases non can measure up to Mesothelioma. Its a very lethal type of cancer, it used to be rare but today its very common because of the huge numbers of industries that are subjecting its workers and clients to Asbestos through the products the make and sell. Mesothelioma attacks the lung by wearing down the linning of the lung(mesothelium/pleura) thats why its refered to asthe cancer of the pleura(lung linning)
Mesothelium takes quite sometime to develop but with the changes in the enviroment ist been documented to have even affected people below the age of thirty, Its painful and very agressive type of disease and it always leads to death.

Syptoms of mesothelioma include:
  • Shortness of breath which keeps on increasing as the disease progresses
  • Extreme difficulty in breathing due to lung compression caused by the disease
  • Constant pain in the chest which ranges from mild to severe pain
  • Unexplained sudden abdominal swelling and pain
  • Unexplained weight loss
The treatment for mesothelioma include
  • Radiotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery
  • combined therapy.
The form and type of treatment largely depends on the stage of the cancer, age and overall health.

Monday, November 17, 2008

asbestos related lung cancer reveiw.

Back in 1960 some evedince began to emerge linking Asbestos to a number of serious diseases One of these diseases is Mesothelioma and is perhaps the most dangerous. This is such an unforgiving disease, it affect the linnings o the internal organs such as heart, lungs and stomach. Its quite rare and thats why ist dangerous. Individuals with mesothelioma have very poor progrnosis most people diet within a year of diagnosis.

Not all Asbestos related lung cancer is a mesothelioma
There is the most common lung cancer bronchial carcinoma which can be caused by ether smiking or Asbestos, other thoracic carcinomas(lung cancer), such as adenocarcinoma, are also caused by exposure to asbestos.
But all in all Mesothelioma is the most lethal, and many poeople who contract mesothelioma more often than not happen to be contruction workers, factory workers and industry workers who happen to work close to Asbestos materials without any pretective clothing.
Mesothelioma symptoms are very hard to diagnose because of the similarity of symptoms to many other diseases eg Asthma.
The most common form of mesothelioma i pleural mesothelioma, it affects the linning of the lungs and symptoms exhibited include. chest pain, coughing, breathing and swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath, wheezing and weight loss.
Such symptoms apply to many other diseases but if you happen to hav such symptoms consult a doctor immediately.